Monday, May 24, 2010


Hard knocks a plenty. Grateful for the experience. Learning how to get ahead. Spend less, get more. Wal-Mart may have something with their marketing. So little happening, but so many changes too. Church was great and invigorating yesterday, even though I did have the personality of a monitor lizard yesterday, and yes, could have bitten with my razor sharp teeth. BUT! I didn't. Congratulations. B and I have a whirlwind weekend, and to be honest with you, I like it when it's like that. Movement is fabulous. But, we are tired. I hope to get started on a few things this week, writing more and more in my journal is absolutely one of them. Trying, is another. I mean, really trying. Focusing on one thing at a time, instead of half arsed trying and throwing in the towel. I hope to get a lot done, and I like those words. Even just saying "hope" makes me feel all right.

Warm weather is here, so I mostly am living in dresses and frolicking in shorts. Oh, by the way, the whole "dressing like a 12 year old boy" look is still with me, and I'm going to be okay with that. I like wearing tube socks and taking off the trash. I like having messy hair and wearing a wife beater. I do. So I don't have to stop. B helps me see and just be the best P I can be, and that is so rewarding. This weekend, insecurity and I were hand in hand. Why? Beats me. But I hate that ho. Insecurity. Ima askin' her to pack her hobo handkerchief and hop on down the road. Please.

So love me with all you have, cause I wont ever stop doing the same for you.

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