Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Cherohala Skyway - Part 1

Lost in translation? Lost in transition? This stretch of highway is one of the most amazing places, not for the car sick.... and we are going back this month! I adore the mountains, I adore being lost in the mountains, not lost lost, but forgetting about the rat race. The mountains are where I belong.

The cows WERE NOT cooperative yesterday, and instead of us scaring every one of them further into the woods and waiting out for hours on end, we just left 'em. Rental house?

Workers, not us, but workers were there yesterday so we thought we might be in the way!!!
We cut out and went to the mountains, but more of that later.

I mowed the yard and weed eated all kinds if things and managed not to get poison ivy, or get bitten by anything, or fall. These 3 things sound a little far fetched, but believe you me, this is an accomplishment. I even mowed the hilly parts. It's not for the weak, and I am always terrified I'm going to be sucked into the mower, or fall on the electric fence. AGAIN.

Champ mostly laid around in the sun, and Tiger ate pears falling off the tree. He was full, and Champ was satisfied with assisting with the mowing barking at the mower and looking at me
as if I were maiming the yard. I will have you know, the yard looks fantastic. No matter how harshly Champ grades my effort.

I am not done with mowing though, I have to get by the barn tonight. After a meeting. After the grocery store. And after starting lazy chicken. That's right fellas. I work, I meet, I wow, and I
manage to cook a meal. On the daily. Okay, okay, sometimes it's a bowl of cheerios. Ya cannibals.

B and I did manage to go to the mountains, but the place we wanted to go was closed. Claimed our TN recovery money was at work. I was miffed. It all worked out though, we ate a bad lunch but were able to make a Ranger Danger before Winter collides List of things to do between the
end of summer, and ultimate winter. Before we get into this list, I am attempting skiing this winter. I KNOW! I sound like a bobcat speaking Italian. Why not try it?

Some of the list:

Well, turns out due to legal matters, I cannot reveal any of this list at this time. : )

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